International Consortium for Research and Applications of Legumes
International Consortium for
Research and Applications of Legumes
To build and enhance friendly collaboration among legume researchers from different places of origin, gender, and religious beliefs.
To identify major research goals related to no poverty, zero hunger, climate action, and environmental sustainability and render joint and concerted efforts to achieve these goals.
To promote cross-disciplinary and cross-boundary collaborations on legume research and applications, for advancing science and agriculture.
To organize joint research, joint grant applications, and joint publications that will have mutual benefits to all parties.
To establish platforms for sharing scientific information without jeopardizing the intellectual property rights of individuals and within the legal boundary of each country.
To influence national & international government policies on legume production and consumption.
To facilitate dialogues between academics and industries.
To advocate the benefits of legumes to society.
Founding member
Steering Committee
Prof Rajeev K. Varshney
Prof Hon-Ming Lam
Prof Ndiko Ludidi
Prof Christine Foyer
Dr Sergio Feingold
Prof Henry Nguyen
Dr Sachiko Isobe