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International Consortium for
Research and Applications of 


  • To build and enhance friendly collaboration among legume researchers from different places of origin, gender, and religious beliefs.

  • To identify major research goals related to no poverty, zero hunger, climate action, and environmental sustainability and render joint and concerted efforts to achieve these goals.

  • To promote cross-disciplinary and cross-boundary collaborations on legume research and applications, for advancing science and agriculture.

  • To organize joint research, joint grant applications, and joint publications that will have mutual benefits to all parties.

  • To establish platforms for sharing scientific information without jeopardizing the intellectual property rights of individuals and within the legal boundary of each country.

  • To influence national & international government policies on legume production and consumption. 

  • To facilitate dialogues between academics and industries.  

  • To advocate the benefits of legumes to society.


Founding member

Steering Committee


Prof Rajeev K. Varshney


Prof Hon-Ming Lam

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 Prof Ndiko Ludidi


Prof Christine Foyer


Dr Sergio Feingold


Prof Henry Nguyen

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Dr Sachiko Isobe

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